Carrier - Bryant

The filters in this category fit specific Carrier, Bryant, Payne, Comfortmaker and Day and Night products. These products are not necessarily manufactured by Carrier, but are made to fit their equipment.

Many of the Carrier, Bryant, and other brands mentioned above have used special “non-standard” air filter sizes for quite some time. We have several options for these “hard to find” or “odd sized” air filters. We can obtain custom sized pleated air filters in the typical 1″ thickness, or we have options for permanent metal framed air filters that help to lower the cost of replacement filters by only purchasing the metal filter frames once. After that initial purchase, the only purchase required would be replacement media filter pads.

We also have Carrier, Bryant, Payne, Day & Night, and Comfortmaker media filters, and Carrier Infinity Air Filters.

We also offer permanent air filters that are electrostatically charged and are washable.